Hello Beasts,We are down to the final hours! Please take care of yourselves and travel safely to the event. We have had over a dozen cancellations in the past week due to injuries, freak accidents and illnesses. I hope I don't get any more of those messages! If you have an urgent question between now and Saturday you can text me at 608-669-2611 as I will only be checking email late at night and first thing in the morning.
I have assigned your competitor "Bib" number. You can view it at this link along with seeing the competitor list for each division. To save time at check in feel free to mark your arrows with your competitor #. We will have markers at check in if you don't do it ahead of time. If you have dark colored vanes we will have silver sharpies for you to use. If your number has a 2, 6 or 9 in it please put _ under your number. ONLY those with a 2, 6 or 9 please. There will be field judges on the Beast Course and Pursuit Stage scoring and pull
ing your arrows and they need to be able to read your number quickly. If your number is not legible or there is no number on your arrow then it will be counted as a body and you will have a 3 minute penalty per arrow. If you already have your arrows numbered for practice purposes please cross off that number. You will need four arrows numbered but I would recommend numbering all the arrows in your quiver in the event you shoot one that is not numbered on accident. View the attached picture for reference.
The weather is looking in our favor from what was predicted several days ago. As of now there is rain forecasted for Saturday morning. There will be NO weather delays so be prepared for whatever mother nature throws at us.
