BMAC Training Camp
When & Where
May 20, 2023
Tyrol Basin Ski Resort
What To Expect
BMAC Training Camp is a fun, educational, "lightly" challenging event in a laid back environment. This event was formally called the BMAC mini Games. We decided to change things up a bit as it has evolved. This event is perfect for the new to seasoned elk hunter and those looking to learn more about their fitness, gear and shooting ability. If you are planning to head to the mountains and/or participate in the BMAC Games this event will give you guidance on what work you still need to do before it is GO time! My goal is for you to walk away having learned something that you can take with you that will help you prepare for the BMAC Games and for your hunt this fall.
The festivities for the day will include a group hike, challenge course, "hunter" 3D shoot, seminars, pack out challenge and good food!
Bring your bow and LOTS of arrows!!
Backpack is optional but will be needed for some of the challenges if you decide to participate in them. You will also want footwear that has good traction and trekking poles.
Order of Events
8:30 - Check In
9:00 - Hike, Challenge Course, How to pack my pack/pack fitment seminar
Noon - Potluck Lunch- Smoked Wild Pig from our Texas hunt!
1:00 - 3D shoot - Targets will be setup to give you the ability to practice extreme up/down hill shots along with realistic footing that you will encounter in the mountains.
2:30 - Gear Clinic
3:30 - Pack Out Challenge - A chance to see how your pack and your body handles a heavy load.
Schedule is subject to change. Dress accordingly to the weather as the elk don't care if it's raining or storming so neither do we.
No weight is needed in your pack as we will supply it BUT you are welcome to have your pack loaded with your hunting gear to get a true test if you would like.
$60 cash day of.
Limited to first 40 that RSVP