When & Where
Tyrol Basin
3487 Bohn Road
Mt Horeb, WI 53572
See you in 2026 as we are taking a year off from this event.
What To Expect
BMAC Games presents a thrilling, multi-staged competition that pushes archers to their limits, evaluating their strength, stamina, endurance, and shooting prowess in intense simulated hunting scenarios. This event serves as the ultimate test of skill for hunter athletes. Participants will undergo timed challenges in a variety of disciplines, including 3D archery, an obstacle course, a meat pack challenge, and The Beast Course. Each stage presents unique obstacles and scenarios, demanding precision, agility, and mental fortitude from the competitors.
Join us for BMAC Games, where archers can showcase their abilities and experience the exhilaration of a true hunting adventure within a competitive setting. Are you ready to take on the ultimate archery challenge?
The StealthRig Beast Course
This stage will test the athletes endurance and stamina as the course that will take competitors on some of the most challenging terrain the venue has to offer. Athletes should expect steep ascents/descents, downfalls and anything else you may encounter in the wilderness. It is recommended to have trekking poles and good ankle support as you will be carrying a weighted pack and your bow. There will be at least two targets and a glassing challenge on this course. There will be a 2.5 hour time cap for the 3.5 mile course. You will be pulled from the course but you will still be able to participate in the remaining stages.
The Pursuit
This stage simulates that final push you have to close the distance on your prey. Imagine you have 30 minutes of daylight left and the bull just sounded off 1000 feet above you.... It's GO time! Competitors will be testing their strength and ability to sustain a high level of work in a short amount of time while shooting with an elevated heart rate. Athletes should be prepared to climb, crawl, lift, hoist and drag objects
The Harvest
The harvest stage will consist of a 20 target 3D course. This won't be your typical 3D shoot! Expect a real world hunting scenario for each target while utilizing some of the most challenging terrain features the venue has to offer. Shooting stakes will be set for 60 yard max. New for 2023, Competitors must wear their weighted backpack during this stage. You won't necessarily have to shoot every target with your pack on but there will be a few. You should also expect a few targets where you will need to judge the distance as range finders will not be allowed.
The Pack Out
Before you can reap the rewards of your success the real work begins! It is now time to pack out your meat. Competitors will start at the base of the hill by loading their appropriate weight into their packs. This weight will be in addition to the weight they had used in the Beast and Pursuit Stages. BMAC will supply the additional weight.
Men's Open Division (18-44yrs)
Men's Master Division (45yrs+)
Women's Division (18+)
Team Beast Division
We are adopting a new scoring system which we tested out during the Quiver Shiver this year. Each of the 4 stages is worth 100 points. We have made these changes as each stage is just as critical as another. This will help level the playing field especially when it comes to the Pursuit Stage. In previous years it was tough for competitors to make up much time as that stage is the shortest. With the new scoring system it gives the Pursuit Stage equal importance.
Beast Course, Pursuit Course and Pack Out:
1st place = 100pts
2nd place = 95pts
3rd place = 90pts
4th place = 85pts
5th< = 84, 83, 82, etc.
Harvest Course:
20 Targets with each scoring 5, 3, 0, -3(Heart, Lung, Miss, Body). Top shooter in each division will receive a 5pt bonus.
Targets during the Beast and Pursuit stages will be scored the same as Harvest stage.
You must use the same archery equipment and backpack for every stage. You are allowed to cary optics at all times. Arrows must be carried in a quiver on your bow or in your pack. NO hip quivers, sight magnification or range finding binoculars or range finding sights. Competitors are responsible for their own backpack weight. BMAC will provide the additional pack out stage weight. This weight will consist of gravel inside a polypropylene sandbag and must be carried inside or attached to your pack.
Pack Weight(competitor is responsible for your own pack/weight):
Men's: 25lbs
Women's: 20lbs
Teams: Weight is based on gender but you can distribute the weight however you want.
Pack Out Stage Weight:
Men will have an additional 55lbs(80lbs total)
Women will have an additional 40lbs(60lbs total)
Teams will have an additional 50lbs to be distributed between the team however you choose.
Awards to each stage winner for solo divisions
Top 3 finishers in each division with up to 30 competitors and top 4 finishers in each category with 40 or more competitors will be awarded.
Order of Events
7:00am - Check In/Registration
7:30am - Competitor Meeting
8:30am - The Beast Course (all competitors)
11:30am - The Pursuit Stage (assigned heats)
4:00pm - Pack Out Stage
6:00pm - Dinner/Music/Festivities
6:30am - The Harvest Stage (3D Course)
10:00am - Awards/Brunch/Festivities(Meal is included in your registration fee. You can purchase extra meal tickets during registration for $20 per meal)
Expect the unexpected! Just like a week long hunt in the mountains you never know what might get thrown at your from mother nature.
New for 2024: Competitors should expect a similar layout from previous years but expect each stage to have changes. Some of these changes will be announced this summer. We also added two age groups for the solo competitors!
Volunteers Needed
Contact Brian. Volunteers will receive a free BMAC shirt, a day pass to the King of the Hill 3D, and 3D scrambles. Please bring snacks and plenty of water to stay hydrated.
Solo $170
Beast Course: Ability to ruck 3+ miles with 25lbs
Pursuit Stage: Ability to lift a 50lbs overhead, drag more than 100lbs.
Pack Out Stage: Ability to load and carry 80lbs up and down hills
Harvest Stage: Ability to proficiently shoot at 60 yards.
Beast Course: Ability to ruck 3+ miles with 20lbs
Pursuit Stage: Ability to lift 30lbs overheard, drag more than 80lbs.
Pack Out Stage: Ability to load and carry 60lbs up and down hills
Harvest Stage: Ability to proficiently shoot at 40 yards.
$170 Per Person
Teams will not be broken into categories. Teams will complete each stage together. The real benefit of being on a team is when it comes to the Pack Out stage. Teams will be required to only carry an additional 50lbs during the packout stage. Teams will be able to distribute the weight how they see fit.
Men's base pack weight is 25lbs and women's is 20lbs for the Beast Course, Harvest and Pursuit Stage.
Teen Beast
TEENS (13-17)
We understand that this age demographic boys and girls can be at totally different points in maturity. Contact Brian to discuss what type of a challenge your teen is looking to compete in.